Project FEED's Presence

at Bright Night Event! 

Project FEED's participation in the recent Bright Night event, where we collaborated with the IBBA-CNR National Research Council > to explore the wonders of "Open Labs: Foods, Sprouts, and Halophytic Plants. What Properties Do They Have for Our Health?"
The IBBA researchers led engaging activities that delved into the beneficial, nutraceutical, and antioxidant properties of various foods, sprouts from edible plants, and halophytic plants. Through interactive games, attendees had the chance to grasp the positive impact these elements can have on our health, while also gaining awareness about potential risks associated with certain substances.
A highlight of the event was the spirited treasure hunt, where participants answered questions related to foods and nutrition. Our young researchers shared valuable insights into maintaining a healthy lifestyle and provided a glimpse into the exciting projects underway at CNR-IBBA. The treasure hunt turned out to be a thrilling adventure, with participants armed with newfound knowledge racing to unlock the ultimate prize!
The Bright Night event, was a resounding success, and we are grateful for the enthusiastic participation of everyone who joined us. We hope that the knowledge shared during the event will continue to inspire a deeper understanding of the foods we consume and the importance of health and nutrition.
A heartfelt thank you to all who made Project FEED's presence at the Bright Night event memorable.  

Project Coordinator

National Research Council (CNR)
Via Giuseppe Moruzzi, 56124 Pisa, IT
Phone +39 055  2759  322

Dissemination and communications

Consorzio Italbiotec
Piazza della Trivulziana 4, 20126 Milano, IT
Phone +39 02 8975 4564

MoLogotipo PRIMA research & innovation in mediterranean areabirise