Novel functional foods and technologies from plant sprouts for a healthier and sustainable diet

Project FEED aims at promoting healthier and sustainable lifestyles by promoting the Mediterranean diet through functional foods with health benefits using novel products and technologies




Health and sustainability have become key aspects of the agri-food industry. With a growing public fascination in consuming functional foods enriched with bioactive compounds, governments are actively promoting healthier lifestyles to help mitigate the prevalence of chronic diseases.
Sprouts, as vegetables which are part of the Mediterranean diet, have taken the spotlight in place of seeds as they represent a better source of nutrients. This shift is attributed to the germination process, which leads to the formation of bioactive compounds with potential health advantages and a decrease in antinutrient compounds.
FEED is a 36-month project funded by the European Union under the PRIMA foundation. PRIMA funds projects contributing to sustainable use of natural resources, economic growth and stability in the Mediterranean.  

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Project Coordinator

National Research Council (CNR)
Via Giuseppe Moruzzi, 56124 Pisa, IT
Phone +39 055  2759  322

Dissemination and communications

Consorzio Italbiotec
Piazza della Trivulziana 4, 20126 Milano, IT
Phone +39 02 8975 4564

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